sábado, 2 de agosto de 2008

Geographical and historic context

When we say Santander South, we are touching the pedestal of a historical and cultural landscape, trasegado by our ancestors, without making mensión a prehistory that covers magestuoso sketches of its geography.
Today cliffs, canyons and valleys are littered with countless fossils of flora and fauna marina, where millions of years ago was the deepest ocean imagined by man.
At the foot of the central mountains I could find enormous tusks, as well as various develan evidence that the possible existence of dinosaurs that were part of prehistory, like many others with them became extinct, leaving a question and a mystery to science.
The geography of Santander-Colombia is framed in stone and earth fossil, and icnofósiles traces of that past, clams and shellfish facing our feet on the pilgrimage of your search.
On many occasions I have felt nostalgia for the lack of interest in the conservation of prehistory, and am longing for leave to our children the inheritance of land and past curious how they would like to know.

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